The Chrysler Museum of Art is located in Norfolk, Virginia, United States.
该博物馆成立于1933年,当时是诺福克艺术与科学博物馆。1971年汽车大亨沃尔特.P. Chrysler Jr.(Walter Percy Chrysler Jr.)的妻子是土生土长的诺福克人,他将大部分私人收藏捐赠给了博物馆。这个庞大的艺术收藏丰富了博物馆的收藏。美术馆收藏了绘画、雕塑、古典艺术和玻璃艺术。现代艺术等使其成为美国东南部主要的艺术博物馆之一。
The museum was founded in 1933 as the Norfolk Museum of Arts and Science. 1971 car tycoon Walter . P. Chrysler Jr. (Walter Percy Chrysler Jr.), whose wife is a native Norfolk, donated most of his private collection to the museum. This large art collection enriches the museum’s collection. The art museum has an art collection of paintings, sculptures, classical art, and glass art. Modern art, etc. Making it one of the major art museums in the southeastern United States.
The Chrysler Museum of Art in Virginia has a collection of paintings, sculptures, craftsmen from world art such as Bouguereau, Gauguin, Corot, Renoir, Cassatt, Edgar Degas, Pissarro, Miller, Cézanne, Manet, Nicolas Fechin, Amor Iverson, and other world art masters, attracting many artists and tourists from all over the world every day.
河北普罗创意雕塑有限公司业务范围包括:雕塑设计、文创设计、景观设计,石材雕塑、青铜雕塑、不锈钢雕塑等。 The business scope of Hebei Pro creative sculpture Co., Ltd. includes: sculpture design, cultural and creative design, landscape design, stone sculpture, bronze sculpture, stainless steel sculpture, etc.
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